Admissions Procedure

For all prospective parents:

Our website will give you a useful first impression of our school and explain a little about our history and our ethos and what we offer.

A first step in the applications procedure is for you to visit the school during the normal school day so that you can see us in action. This can be arranged either by phoning (01279 871182) or emailing the school office ( Because all the members of our senior leadership team are also teachers, we are not able to offer you an interview at this stage.

Fees are determined by the point of entry and so the sooner you join the school, the lower your fee remains.

Examples of termly fees for a new starter at the school are as follows:

Years 1/2-           £2 717  and remaining at this tier

Year 7 –               £3 305  and remaining at this tier

Year 9 –                £3455  and remaining at this tier

Once your child is admitted they remain at the fee tier of the year they started.

Fees are inclusive of tuition, textbooks, teaching materials, swimming lessons, games and all activities except those listed below.

Fees do not include: after-school and homework clubs; any additional one to one tuition sessions; trips; GCSE exam fees; modern languages magazines; instrumental music and sport lessons given by visiting teachers.

There are generous fee reductions for children in the same family.

Fee Schedule Page: Fees Schedule 2023 – 2024

Download: Application Form 

More information here: Admissions and Fees Policy

After school provision is organised through Spread Your Wings Kids Club (  located across the road at the Silver Jubilee Hall.

Current and former parents were asked to use one word to describe the school. This image shows the words they used.


School Fees 

More information about Admissions and Fees

As an independent school, fees are our main source of income.  We keep these as low as we can without compromising the standards of teaching and administration in the school.  Our aim is to make our fee structure such that we can encourage whole families to attend.  Reductions to our normal tariff can be agreed at the discretion of the trustees on application and are subject to regular review.

Families joining the school commit to helping with basic maintenance tasks and/or cleaning three times a year.  This enables us to keep our buildings decorated and maintained without adding to our fees.  But more than this, these times of working and sharing time together is a special way of caring for our school and of getting to know each other.

The new fee structure is published before the end of the summer term.

Where any changes are made to school fees policy, parents will be informed.

Scholarship Scheme

From 2023, new applicants to Y3 and Y4 are eligible to apply for a scholarship place at the school.

All prospective pupils who are interested in doing so, sit an entry test as part of their applications process. Successful applicants are offered a 50% fee reduction for the whole of key stage 2.

Scholarships are offered on the basis that a child will complete the key stage.  Where a child is withdrawn before the end of the key stage a repayment of the full scholarship amount will be required, with exceptions being at the discretion of the Trustees.

If you would like your Y3 or Y4 child to apply for a scholarship, please indicate this on the application form.

If you would like more details about how this scheme works, please ask the front office who will be pleased to direct you to a member of staff who can help.


Families committed to homeschooling are welcome to visit the school and discuss the possibility of a home/school agreement which allows for a mix of home-education and school learning. We cannot guarantee that the school will be able to accommodate your wishes and any decision to accept a child as a flexi-schooler if dependent on a number of factors such as the age and learning stage of the child; the areas of the curriculum you are asking the school to offer; and the size and current cohort at the relevant school stage.
Please see our Flexi-Schooling policy which provides more details about how this might work and if you would like to pursue this option, please let the front office know that you would like to include a discussion about flexi-schooling as part of your application.